Thursday, May 10, 2007

Quote 9

No flies fly into a closed mouth.
~Julia Alvarez

this quote is saying that if you don speak your mind or if you dont say what you need to say then nothing will happen, and you wont get what you need.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Very Old Man With Enornous Wings

List the characters in the story. Write one to two sentences on the defining characteristics of each one, providing at least one citation to illustrate your comments.
Pelayo- Elisenda's Husband
The Angel- Came to take the baby when he was sick
The Neighbor- She new everything about life and death

Why do you think the story is called "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" rather than "An Angel"? Provide at least three citations to illustrate your argument.

I think that they called the story "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings" indtead of "An Angel" because in the beginning of the story pelayo didnt know that it was an angel he was frightend by what he saw laying in the mud.

How do the villagers respond to the spider girl? What do you think their response symbolizes -- how does it relate to the rest of the story? Provide at least two citations to illustrate your argument.

The Villagers responeded to the spider girl differently because it seemed like the angel was just "normal" because it was just something that everyone had already seen and it wasn't really a shock anymore

Quote 8

The world is not respectable; it is mortal, tormented, confused, deluded forever; but it is shot through with beauty, with love, with glints of courage and laughter; and in these, the spirit blooms timidly, and struggles to the light amid the thorns.
~George Santayana
George Santayana is saying that even though life can be very tough at times there is still beauty, love, courage and laughter and even though there are those times that seem like you will never get through it we can still get through those times for better days.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Quote 7

Most people are prisoners, thinking only about the future or living in the past. They are not in the present, and the present is where everything begins.
~Carlos Santana

In this quote Carlos Santana is saying that most people these days are stuck in the future or are living in the past. it is rare that people are living in the present and that is where everyone needs to be because that is where everything for the future is going to begin.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Quote 6

Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot uneducate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore. We have seen the future, and the future is ours.
~Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez was saying that you cannot change something that has already happened or you cannot change anyone. He is saying that the future is ours we are the ones who can make or break the future.