The Crucible
What is the significance of the scene between Herrick and the accused witches?
Why does Reverend Hale tell the accused witches to confess?
Hale tells the accused witches to confess so that he doesnt have to sign for their hangings and the could be saved.
What does the news of what is happening in Andover have to do with the trials in Salem?
There were people accusing others of witchcraft, but the people would let them hold trials in Andover, they rejected them.
Why does Parris say Abigail has vanished?
Parris said that Abigail vanished because she ranaway after the trials were over and before Jon Proctor was due to be hung.Why does Parris suggest the hanging be postponed?
Parris suggests that the hanging be postponed because he believes that the girls were lying and that the remaining people are innocent of witchcraft.
Why does Danforth want Proctor to see Elizabeth? What does he hope it will cause him to do?
Danforth wants Proctor to see Elizabeth because he hopes that Elizabeth could convince him to confess to witchcraft so that it could save his life.
What are the conditions in Salem? Why?
There were unexplained illnesses and that lead people to be very fearful and they couldn't find anyother way to explain the sicknesses except for witchcraft.
Why doesn't Elizabeth beg John to confess?
Elizabeth doesn't beg Jon to confess because she didnt want to push him to give up his "good name"
Why does Proctor initially say he will confess? Why does he refuse to sign the confession?
He initially said that he would confess because he wanted to live. in the end he refuses because he doesn't want have a bad name in the town
Why does Parris beg Elizabeth to get John's confession? Why does she refuse?
He begs her to get Johns confession because he doesnt want john to hang for something that he is innocent of.
Why does Miller end the play with Proctor's refusal to sign the confession and Elizabeth's refusal to beg him to do so?
i think that he ends the play that way to show suspence and to show how john wouldnt give up his name to a lie.